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The FACTS Frontier in the Americas: 2016-2020

The FACTS Frontier in the Americas: 2016-2020

Due to evolving grids and stringent regulations regarding grid security, the Americas is considered one of the most important markets for any T&D infrastructure deployment. The region offers a great market opportunity for several Flexible AC Transmission Systems...

Middle East Energy 2022 – Conference Impressions

Middle East Energy 2022 – Conference Impressions

The Middle East Energy 2022 event took place in Dubai and Power Technology Research (PTR) enthusiastically participated to gain a sense of what is currently relevant and important in the GCC region. The atmosphere at the show was fantastic with an eagerness from many...

Decommissioning of Conventional Power Plants Driving the FACTS Market

Decommissioning of Conventional Power Plants Driving the FACTS Market

• The EU Commission has set an ambitious target for EU countries to increase their share of renewable energy to 40% of final consumption by 2030.• In the U.S., Minnesota Power has announced a target of providing 100% carbon free electricity to its consumers by 2050...

The STATCOM Synopsis – Encapsulating 5 years of the Market

The STATCOM Synopsis – Encapsulating 5 years of the Market

The infographic presents an overview of STATCOM market in North America which includes provides a quick summary on installed base, competitor ranking and application verticals where STATCOMs are deployed.[ba_advanced_divider active_element="text" title="Service...

Overview of SVC & STATCOM Market in APAC

Overview of SVC & STATCOM Market in APAC

Flexible AC Transmission Systems have been serving T&D sectors all across the globe. However, when we specifically talk about APAC region, the technology has not only gained traction in terms of its utility but has also presented opportunities for new players. The...

A promising year for the STATCOM market

A promising year for the STATCOM market

The Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is one of the most sophisticated technology under the umbrella of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). The technology is attractive choice due to its faster response and smaller footprint as compared to the Static VAR...

Series Compensation in North American Market

Series Compensation in North American Market

As the electricity market continues to grow, the transmission system is becoming complex. With the evolution of different types of power generation sources and the rapidly changing energy mix, transmission system requirements are expected to grow.

Global Series Compensation Market (2015-2019) – FACTS Infographic

Global Series Compensation Market (2015-2019) – FACTS Infographic

Introduction In order to fully integrate renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, into the transmission system, additional capacity must be realized in the short term using the existing transmission capacity. Series compensation systems increase power...