- Role of FACTS devices in the grid stability is becoming critical as the generation mix is tipping away from conventional power generation sources. Even though strict grid codes are enforced by the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to make sure an ample reactive power support from distributed renewable energy sources, the need for dynamically controllable reactive power devices i.e. FACTS such as Static Var Compensators (SVCs) and Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs) is still extremely vital for network stability.
- Infographic above provides an overview of global SVC and STATCOM market for previous 5 years (2015-2019).
Global Hotspots (2015-2019)
Not all markets around the world have equal affinity for FACTS devices. It is very much dependent on specific grid conditions such as generation technologies, infrastructure aging and utility spend etc.
This global map depicts hotspots based on the FACTS installations in last 5 years. United States, India, China, UK, Germany, Australia along with some South-East-Asian markets were major demand centers in last five years.
Key Suppliers (2015-2019)
- Siemens has retained its position of being the top supplier of STATCOM.
However, new players such as Hyosung, RXPE and NR Electric are capturing the market rapidly.
a- ABB (now Hitachi ABB Power Grids) has been the market leader in SVC market.
b- RXPE and MEPPI have combined market share of about 25%. Siemens and GE sold same number of units however Siemens is leading by sold Mvar capacity.
Market Share by Application Vertical (2015-2019)
a- Primary end customers of STATCOMs and SVCs have always been utilities followed by industry verticals such as steel and mining.
b-With the penetration of renewable energy, new grid code requirements have been put in place which has given rise to STATCOM installations in renewable industry.
SVC technology dominated FACTS market for decades but STATCOM is rapidly penetrating the market.