

Will Electrical Industry Succeed In

Phasing-out SF6 From MV Switchgear?

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Transitioning Towards A Clean Grid:

Will Electrical Industry Succeed In Phasing out F-gases From MV Switchgear?

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About the Webinar

SF6 is 25,200 times more potent than CO2 and has a lifespan of 3,200 years in the atmosphere. It is extensively used in GIS and other electrical equipment (Gas-Insulated Lines, Gas-Insulated Switches, Transformers, etc.) due to its excellent dielectric and arc quenching properties and reduction in electrical equipment size leading to resource minimization (material and land). Since MV switchgear market is set to expand due to renewables’ share of electricity generation being projected to reach ~40% by 2030, there is a case for encouraging investment in SF6 alternatives.

This webinar will present an overview of the climate change policies and current legislation on the usage of SF6 in MV switchgear. Additionally, the impact on the global MV switchgear market due to the European Commission’s recent proposal to ban SF6 in all new switchgear after 2030 will be analyzed.

Agenda (60 mins)

Introduction (10 mins)

Overview of carbon neutrality targets and clean electrification goals set by key economies across the globe, the role of SF6 in switchgear, and the importance of SF6-free switchgear in the global efforts to combat climate change.

Legislative Processes Around SF6 (20 Mins)

By Saifa Khalid | Team Lead – Power Grid | Power Technology Research

The previous and upcoming legislations around the use of SF6 in electrical equipment, especially MV switchgear will be discussed. Also, the impact on the GIS dominant markets due to the recent proposal by European Commission to ban SF6 in all new switchgear beyond 2030 will be accessed.

SF6-free Switchgear Market Outlook (20 Mins)

By Muhammad Usman | Analyst – Power Grid | Power Technology Research

The role of SF6-free switchgear suppliers in this rapidly changing landscape of energy transition and the bottlenecks in the widespread adoption of SF6-free switchgear will be examined.

Q/A Session: (10 Mins)

Moderator: Maleeha Tariq | Content Marketing Manager | Power Technology Research

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Our Panel

Saifa Khalid

Team Lead – Power Grid

Muhammad Usman

Analyst – Power Grid

Maleeha Tariq

Content Marketing Manager


About the webinar

SF6 is 25,200 times more potent than CO2 and has a lifespan of 3,200 years in the atmosphere. It is extensively used in GIS and other electrical equipment (Gas-Insulated Lines, Gas-Insulated Switches, Transformers, etc.) due to its excellent dielectric and arc quenching properties and reduction in electrical equipment size leading to resource minimization (material and land). Since MV switchgear market is set to expand due to renewables’ share of electricity generation being projected to reach ~40% by 2030, there is a case for encouraging investment in SF6 alternatives.

This webinar will present an overview of the climate change policies and current legislation on the usage of SF6 in MV switchgear. Additionally, the impact on the global MV switchgear market due to the European Commission’s recent proposal to ban SF6 in all new switchgear after 2030 will be analyzed.

Agenda (60 mins)

Introduction (10 mins)

Overview of carbon neutrality targets and clean electrification goals set by key economies across the globe, the role of SF6 in switchgear, and the importance of SF6-free switchgear in the global efforts to combat climate change.

Legislative Processes Around SF6 (20 Mins)

By Saifa Khalid | Team Lead – Power Grid | Power Technology Research

The previous and upcoming legislations around the use of SF6 in electrical equipment, especially MV switchgear will be discussed. Also, the impact on the GIS dominant markets due to the recent proposal by European Commission to ban SF6 in all new switchgear beyond 2030 will be accessed.

SF6-free Switchgear Market Outlook (20 Mins)

By Muhammad Usman | Analyst – Power Grid | Power Technology Research

The role of SF6-free switchgear suppliers in this rapidly changing landscape of energy transition and the bottlenecks in the widespread adoption of SF6-free switchgear will be examined.

Q/A Session: (10 Mins)

Moderator: Maleeha Tariq | Content Marketing Manager | Power Technology Research

Register Now

Our Panel

Saifa Khalid

Team Lead – Power Grid

Muhammad Usman

Analyst – Power Grid

Maleeha Tariq

Content Marketing Manager
