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Power Factor Correction

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COP28: Balancing Hope and Skepticism in Climate Talks

COP28: Balancing Hope and Skepticism in Climate Talks

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the primary decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This annual gathering of member states focuses on addressing global climate change. In the lead up to COP28, amid the rising...

Middle East Energy (MEE) Conference Impressions 2023

Middle East Energy (MEE) Conference Impressions 2023

The Middle East Energy (MEE) conference & trade fair in Dubai, which took place from 7th to 9th March, was a prime meeting place for professionals from all over the energy and power grid industry. The conference provided a platform for key equipment manufacturers...

Is the Passive Power Factor Correction Market Going to Vanish?

Is the Passive Power Factor Correction Market Going to Vanish?

Grid codes are getting stricter requiring consumers to maintain a higher power factor.  In general, active power factor correction solutions market will grow faster than passive solutions in the next decade.  The price of both active and passive solutions will...