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Episode 8: Data Surge, Power Shift: The Impact of Data Centers on North America’s MV Switchgear Landscape
Release Date: May 2, 2024

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Episode 8: Data Surge, Power Shift: The Impact of Data Centers on North America’s MV Switchgear Landscape
Release Date: May 2, 2024


In the dynamic landscape of technological evolution, the exponential growth of data centers stands as a defining trend reshaping various industries. The relentless demand propelled by generative AI, cloud computing, and data center expansions catalyzes an unprecedented surge in power requirements. From constituting a mere 2% in 2022, data centers are projected to amass a substantial 6% share of electricity demand by 2030, manifesting a doubling in peak demand from 18 to 19 GW to an anticipated 35 to 38 GW.  

North America, particularly the USA, holds a significant market share in global data centers, leading to profound implications. Manufacturers like Steiner Electric and Vertiv are expanding their facilities to meet the escalating demand for medium voltage switchgear, crucial for ensuring the robustness and reliability of data center operations.  

Moreover, technological shifts are underway, with solid insulated switchgear gaining traction due to its compactness and enhanced safety features. Additionally, digital switchgear is witnessing increased adoption, empowering data centers with advanced monitoring and control capabilities to optimize power efficiency and redundancy.  

Beyond data centers, the imperative for utilities to bolster grid infrastructure to accommodate escalating demands is highlighted. Factors such as electrification, renewables integration, and grid resilience initiatives are reshaping the medium voltage switchgear market, driving substantial growth and innovation.  

In essence, the symbiotic relationship between data center expansion and the medium voltage switchgear market delineates a trajectory characterized by unprecedented growth and transformative technological advancements.  


Data Centers, Medium Voltage Switchgear, North America, Power Infrastructure, Technological Trends, Grid Resilience, Renewable Energy, Electrical Engineering, Cloud Computing, Digital Transformation. 

Key Questions:

Q1: Boom in North American Data Centers: Impact on Medium Voltage Switchgear 

Data centers in North America are experiencing a significant growth spurt, leading to a spike in their power needs. How will this data center boom affect the demand for medium voltage (MV) switchgear within these facilities? 

Timestamp: 3:45 – 7:02

Q2: Power Efficiency & MV Switchgear Innovation: A Match Made in the Data Center 

Data centers are constantly evolving, placing a high premium on power efficiency. What advancements can we expect in MV switchgear technology to meet these growing efficiency demands within data centers? 

Timestamp: 7:05 – 9: 27

Q3: Beyond Data Centers: Other Forces Shaping the North American Switchgear Market 

While data centers are a major driving force, what other factors are influencing the landscape of the North American switchgear market? 

Timestamp: 12:30 – 13:39



Mohammad Usman:

Muhammad Usman is an Analyst at Power Grid at PTR, specializing in MV and HV switchgear market analysis. He is passionate about an SF6-free future and digitalization in the energy sector and works closely with clients to provide effective solutions. He has a Master’s degree in Energy Systems Engineering and has contributed to market reforms in Pakistan’s electricity sector through a USAID project.

Hassan Zaheer:

Hassan is the Chief Operating Officer at PTR Inc. With more than a decade of experience in the energy transition space, Hassan works for various Fortune-500 blue-chip clients on global market studies in the electrical infrastructure sector. In his current role at PTR, he works with clients to sustainably grow their businesses, both through custom consulting work and tailored research reports by PTR, helping their executive management and boards make data driven decisions. Hassan is also a Member of Advisory Board for CWIEME Berlin and an advisor to the educational non-profit Better Humans Academy.

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