Customer Request

A leading manufacturer of High Voltage AIS and GIS switchgear wanted to gauge the possibility of offering a turnkey solution to utilities in North America. Additionally, the client wanted to evaluate the level of in-house expertise already existing in utilities to handle projects both for AIS and GIS switchgear.



Since the information was directly needed from end-user (utilities in this case), PTR conducted a survey with utilities in North America. In total 30 utilities were contacted and surveyed for various themes including:

– In-house turnkey expertise vs expertise outsourced
– Pure EPC sourcing vs OEM based EPC sourcing
– Future outlook: in-house work vs outsourcing
– In-house GIS switchgear expertise: now vs future

End result of the survey was presented in excel which included quantitative analysis and survey responses.

Download Service Overview (PDF)

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High Voltage Switchgear


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