Market Developments in EU Transmission Infrastructure 

This presentation, given by PTR at CWIEME Berlin 2018, focuses on the electricity transmission infrastructure developments in EU-28 countries, with a specific focus on transformers givevn the focus of the show. 

Key topics discussed during the presentation:

  • Overview of EU-28 Grid Planning
  • High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Market
  • Power Transformers Market in EU-28 and North America
  • Transformers Supply-Demand Analysis

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About the Speaker:


Saqib Saeed

Principal Analyst 

Saqib is an expert in power system design and power electronics components. He has prior experience in commissioning and maintenance of power systems. Since 2015, he has been involved in consulting projects with transmission and distribution (T&D) OEMs and utilities conducting online and offline market research to identify business opportunities for equipment manufacturers like HVDC, FACTS, Power transformers and Gas Insulated Substations.

About CWIEME Berlin:

The largest industry gathering, CWIEME Berlin brings together highly specialised engineers and procurement professionals to meet new and existing suppliers, invest in new and innovative products and solutions, network with the industry and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

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