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Saifa Khalid

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CITAP Program: A Game Changer for the US Transmission

CITAP Program: A Game Changer for the US Transmission

The US faces significant challenges, including lengthy approval processes, bureaucratic hurdles, and a growing interconnection queue that delays the implementation of crucial transmission projects.  Addressing these limitations is not just a matter of efficiency but a...

Market Overview of APAC

Market Overview of APAC

Asia Pacific power transformer market has a massive 50% global market share. Power transformers are roughly half of the spend at major utilities around the world within the mid-to-high voltage categories. This infographic has the details of key countries contributing...

Use of SF6-based Switchgear in Renewables Leading to Emissions

Use of SF6-based Switchgear in Renewables Leading to Emissions

Following the landmark Paris Agreement in 2015, governments across the globe set renewable energy targets to combat climate change. SF6 is a potent greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential that is 25,200 times higher than CO2. If the usage of SF₆ in MV...

Overview of VSC & LCC Market (2016-2020)

Overview of VSC & LCC Market (2016-2020)

With a global increase in energy demand, there is an apparent trend shift in the power grid with emphasis on decarbonization and digitization. Consequently, we see the growth of intermittent distributed energy resources. This trend shift is causing HVDC to become one...

The Role of HVDC in the U.S. Energy Transition

The Role of HVDC in the U.S. Energy Transition

In 2020, coal production in the U.S. declined 24% year over year accounting for the lowest coal production since 1965 (per . Electricity generated from renewables has been growing and surpassed generation from coal in 2020. President Biden has set a target to install...

Developments in the HVDC market in 2020

Developments in the HVDC market in 2020

The imposition of global lockdowns to curtail the spread of pandemic in 2020 significantly reduced the electricity demand. According to International Energy Agency (IEA), electricity demand dropped 2% making it the largest drop in demand in the last 50 years and far...

Climate worries pushing manufacturers away from Coal

Climate worries pushing manufacturers away from Coal

Globally there is a growing consensus to move towards less carbon intensive power generation in a bid to tackle pollution and environmental concerns. This consensus is reflected in the decline[SS1] [KM2]  of coal consumption in 2019, although there are disparities...