An Overview of HVDC Market and Future Outlook
This presentation, given by PTR at 2nd IEEE Workshop on Electronic Power Transmission and Distribution (eT&D), focuses on global analysis of HVDC projects market with specifics of growth, future outlook and manufacturer profiles.
Key topics discussed during the presentation:
- Global Overview HVDC Market
- Specifics of Growing HVDC Markets
- Manufacturer Profiles
- Opportunities & Bottlenecks
About the Speaker:
Saqib Saeed
Principal Analyst
Saqib is an expert in power system design and power electronics components. He has prior experience in commissioning and maintenance of power systems. Since 2015, he has been involved in consulting projects with transmission and distribution (T&D) OEMs and utilities conducting online and offline market research to identify business opportunities for equipment manufacturers like HVDC, FACTS, Power transformers and Gas Insulated Substations.