
Stable Grids for Clean Energy – Growing FACTS Demand in the GCC

by Aug 15, 2022

A significant outcome of COP26 included countries not only reaffirming their pledge towards reduction of emissions but provision of financial support as well to cap average rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees. Nearly all the advanced and major economies across the globe have already set their clean energy goals including the countries in Middle East, specifically GCC region. Middle Eastern countries are major producers and exporters of oil and gas in the world and major share of their energy and electricity demand is served by the fossil fuels. With current targets set by the gulf countries and effective planning, a reduction of 22% emissions in power sector by 2030 is achievable. FACTS are and will remain key enablers in transition towards renewable energy and making the grid resilient against the instability caused by the intermittent generation. PTR has collaborated with Middle East Energy to highlight the significance of FACTS for energy transition and the growing demand for FACTS in the GCC region through a detailed and insightful whitepaper.

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The research presented in this article is from PTR's Flexible AC Transmission service. For information about this service please submit a request shown below.

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