
Global Power Quality Meters Market-2019

Written By: Rafey Khan
Published On: June 3, 2020


Global Power Quality Meters Market-2019

Written By: Rafey Khan
Published On: June 3, 2020
Power Quality Meters which are compliant with IEC-61000-4 have a very niche market and not every utility and generation facility is interested to install these meters. But in the recent years, regulatory bodies in different countries have realized the importance of power quality in the grid and its impact on the economics of the country. This trend has had a varied impact on the Power Quality meters market lately across different regions on the globe. Below are some of the highlights from the year 2019:
Global Power Quality Meters Market-2019 Power Quality Meters Power Quality is one of the major concerns for utilities and generation facilities across the globe. Energy regulatory bodies have started taking measures to ensure better power quality in their country's grid. PTR has conducted extensive research on companies that provide PQ meters; their market share in different regions, the competitive advantages and their ability to comply with latest standards are researched to get a holistic understanding of the PQ meters market.

Ranking by Company

“The top five players globally have captured the market share for almost 45% of the global market with the represence in different regions.“

  1. Schneider Electric
  2. SEL
  3. Electro Industry
  4. Metrum
  5. SATEC

Global Market Size – 2019

North America leads the market for power quality meters due to its large utility sector. But these trends are expected to change considerably in the coming years.

Total Units: 65,145

Total Revenue : 307,805,000 USD

Americas: 52%

EMEA: 29%

APAC: 18%

Market By Application Vertical

The distribution and transmission companies install 86% of the advanced.

Utility: 86%

Generation: 14%

Compliant with latest standard

Following companies have products which are compliant with the recent IEC 62586-1-2 standards:

  • Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
  • Siemens
  • Secure
  • Schneider Electric
  • Metrum



Rabail Saeed – Client Relationship Manager

Rafey Khan – Product Manager, Quality Meters

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